FOX Weather has you covered with the breaking forecasts and weather news headlines for your Weather in America on Friday,...
As we move into Spring and temperatures warm up, it's important to take a look at what farmers can expect...
A Customs and Border Protection aircraft used to monitor the southern border in Texas snapped loose and traveled hundreds of...
A stunning video recorded during a recent eruptive episode of Hawaii's Kilauea volcano in February shows lava spinning into the...
FOX Weather has you covered with the breaking forecasts and weather news headlines for your Weather in America on Thursday,...
Meteorologist Ari Sarsalari tells you how to best prepare for any possible weather factors down in Orlando, Florida for the...
With less than 100 days to go before the start of the hurricane season, Bryan Norcross breaks down which factors...
Three people were nearly struck by a falling tree in Brooklyn on Saturday. NEW YORK -- Three people walking down...
A Benjamin Moore paint warehouse was significantly damaged on Tuesday morning in Lewisville, Texas, after a possible tornado came through...
Video shows a semi-truck driving along the highway before the cargo attached to the back of the truck seemingly begins...