March 14, 2025

Urge lawmakers to protect Oregon communities from dirty diesel!

2 min read

Dear friend,

You can see and smell when a big diesel truck passes you by on the highway or in your neighborhood. It doesn’t have to be this way. More and more zero-emission, clean, and quiet trucks are hitting the road, but that progress could stall if fossil fuel interests get their way. This Thursday, the Oregon Legislature is holding a hearing on a bill (HB 3119) that would derail Oregon’s clean truck standards if passed.

Can you send a message to your legislators telling them to keep the protections that make truck manufactures do their part to clean the air in your community? 

Click here to write your legislator!

You can feel proud to live in a state where we are making progress in cleaning up harmful diesel pollution from cars and trucks. Oregon’s Clean Truck rule is critical for cleaning up dirty diesel pollution from big trucks, vans, and buses and protecting your health and neighborhood. 

With federal clean air and climate rollbacks looming, upholding Oregon’s clean truck standards is essential to protect Oregonians’ air quality and climate leadership. Your legislators need to hear from you, as they’re hearing a lot from the oil industry and some truck makers who don’t like these rules. 

Make your voice heard today: The legislature must ensure truck makers follow the rules to get rid of dirty diesel and deliver clean air by investing more in clean, zero-emissions trucks and charging.

Click here to write your legislator!


2025-01-28 17:30:08